Real Estate Submarkets and Their Characteristics

The Jamaica real estate submarket

The general market for goods and service is made up of many submarkets. When left free to operate without private or governmental interference, each submarket and the general market as a whole should theoretically regulate itself by the laws of supply and demand.

One of the submarkets of the general market for goods and service is the Jamaica real estate market. While the real estate market differs in a number of distinctive ways from other markets, it acts much like all markets with respect to changes in supply and demand, but with a slower response time. It has the appearance of being a single, simple entity when in fact the real estate market is itself composed of many complex sub markets. This would include Jamaica homes for rent as well. This would be known as a parent category.

Real estate is a commodity just as wheat, gold and sugar. By combining the other factors of production with land we can produce wheat, gold and sugar or buildings.

Major sub markets of Jamaica Real Estate
Most authorities agree that the five major submarkets of Jamaican real estate are:
1. Residential homes for rent in Jamaica;
2. Commercial;
3. Industrial;
4. Agricultural;
5. Governmental and special – purpose properties

Each of these five categories is further divided into minor submarkets. For example, “residential” as a major submarket can itself be divided into minor submarkets as follows:
1. Urban;
2. Suburban; and
3. Rural

Each of the minor submarkets can be divided further into single-family and multifamily, which could then each be classified as owner-occupied and rental. The point is what appears to be one big, but simple real estate market is in reality, a complex structure of many individual submarkets, each of which contributes to the overall market.

The characteristics of the real estate market
If the real estate market were allowed to operate without any interference or restraint whatsoever, each person could use his or her property in any way that would produce the greatest return. This could result in one person’s use of Jamaican property causing a loss in value to another person’s property. Obviously, we cannot permit land to be used for whatever purpose the owner thinks best for his or her private gain.

For example, if you lived in a very fashionable up-market residential subdivision and your neighbor bought two undeveloped lots adjoining your property for use as a pig farm or for a paper mill with its offensive odors, the social costs to you and the rest of the subdivision would far outweigh the private gain to your neighbor. Therefore, the real estate market cannot be permitted to operate free of all controls and restraints.

Listed below are five primary characteristics affecting ownership and sale that set real estate apart from other markets.
1. The market is local in nature; the product is immoveable.
2. It is slow to respond to change in supply and demand.
3. There is relative permanence of improvements; land is durable and fixed in location.
4. The market is not organized and is without central control; there is no standard product and no central information.
5. Governmental controls influence the market through zoning, building codes, taxes, etc

Local in Nature – The market for real estate is uncommonly local in nature compared with other markets. The reason, of course, is that land and the improvements thereon are immoveable. For example, we cannot transport sugar cane lands from Westmoreland to Kingston. If we were in the market for tomatoes we could haul our produce to the place where demand might be greatest. However, despite the demand for housing in Area A, we cannot produce an apartment complex or single-family subdivisions on land located in Area B and take it to where there is greater demand.

Slow Response – The property market is unusually slow to respond to changes in supply and demand. Very often the number of houses (supply) in an area begins to fall behind the demand, however, since the design, land acquisition, site preparation and construction phases of real estate are so time consuming by the time demand responds the market becomes flooded. The equilibrium between supply and demand is thus destroyed because the supply of the town houses exceeds the demand at the time.

Permanence of improvements – The characteristic referred to as permanence of improvements is also closely related to the above characteristics. The typical bungalow-housing unit has a long economic life compared to other commodities. Once we have built a block of offices we are stuck with it when perhaps we could have invested our time and money in a hotel. Therefore, the permanence of the improvements created eliminates many alternatives available to markets.

Decentralized nature – Another characteristic of the real estate market is the lack of a single, central exchange for dealing with the real estate island wide. If one wishes to buy 100 shares in General Motors, California, the product will be the same as General Motors, Florida. However, if one wishes to buy 100 hectares of beachfront property in Westmoreland, Jamaica the product will be different in many respects from beachfront property in Portland. This focuses the attention on the two main reasons why there is not a central exchange for real estate.

First, the product cannot be standardized. No two tracts of land are the same. Even two lots side by side on a street have different geographical locations on this earth. This concept is referred to as heterogeneity or non-homogeneity.

Second, no central data bank or information source tells about all real property in Jamaica. Also, one needs to be careful when using information about properties in one area to assess properties in another. If one wants to know about real property in any location, it is best to go to that particular place and seek local information.

Governmental Controls – The fifth and last of the primary characteristics of the real estate market, governmental controls, plays an inordinately important role when compared to other markets. Most people are familiar with direct controls such as zoning and building codes which govern construction and use of property.

Governments also exercise indirect controls, such as the monetary policies of Central Government. For example, if Government reduces the overall money supply to slow the inflation rate, higher rates for mortgage bans turn, drives many potential buyers out of the real estate market in Jamaica. This does impact heavily on the drafting of a rent agreement in Jamaica.

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Fitness Tips for a Busy Life

Do you know you should get into shape, but have lacked the discipline to get there? Whether you are objective is to build muscle, lose weight, or just improve your cardiovascular health, most people fall short in the “follow through”. Knowing you need to get in shape, and having a fitness training plan are great, but without actually executing the plan, you are not going to meet your goals. It can be quite a task to balance your career, family, relationships, money, and a work out schedule, but there are some small things that you can do to make sure you incorporate your fitness training into your busy schedule.

Commit to a specific schedule. First thing is first. Develop a plan. As the saying goes, without a plan, your planning to fail. If your serious about your goal, write down your plan. The plan doesn’t need to be complicated. A simple exercise regime will do. Your plan can be a 6 mile jog each morning, or it can be 5 push ups each morning. It can vary depending on where you are at physically and what your expectations are.

Utilize the weekends. During your week, you may have a lot of tasks to tend to. On the weekends, fitting in some time to work out will make a big difference. Doing less intense workouts during the week, and more intense work outs on the weekends will help you balance your schedule.

Make your work out a priority. Do not allow your workout program to be removed from your schedule. Things will always come up to tempt you to reschedule your workout program. Make sure that only important things and emergencies distract you. If this happens, then make sure that you reschedule your workout for a later date to compensate for it. One tip is to do your workout in the morning. Even if the workout is only a 10 minute set of push-ups and sit-ups, fitting it in will get your heart beat going and can help you burn more calories throughout your day.

Drink water before each time you eat. This is a very simple tactic, but it is a very effective tactic. Drink two 16 oz. glasses of water before each time you eat. This will not only help suppress your hunger, it can benefit your digestive system too. Many times we eat because we think we are hungry, but we are actually thirsty. This method will wash that problem away.

Invite others into your goals. It is good to inform important people in your life what you are doing so that you do not go through it alone. Ask for the support of your wife, husband, parents, children, co-workers, or your close friends so that they can help you stay committed to your fitness training plan. You can also form a buddy system with those who are also working out. With this accountability, you and your friends can help each other achieve your goals.

Do not beat yourself up. There may be times when your schedule interrupts your work out schedule. There may even be times where you get lazy and don’t work out for a week. That’s not good, but at the same time, don’t give up. If you fall off of a horse, just jump back on. If you struggle to be disciplined with your fitness plan, the key to success is to not give up. Having friends to workout with will help you with this. They can encourage and motivate you to stay the course.

The One Internet Marketing Tip You Must Know To Avoid Business Failure

I just had a nice and quiet winter weekend here in Canada, working on my Internet Independence presentation for a seminar I’m going to be doing down in Panama. Kind of nice to be locked away and making some progress on big projects.

But last weekend I was out and about down at Disney World in Florida with a lot of info marketers. So there was a lot more networking and high level mastermind going on.

And while I was talking to one of my best buddies, he brought up a question he gets almost every day.

People are always asking him, “What’s your #1 Internet Marketing Tip?”

We laughed of course, because internet marketing is not so simple that you could summarize it with a “#1 tip”.

But over the last 7 days I’ve been thinking about that constantly.

What would I say if I absolutely had to give someone just ONE tip.

What would it be?

Well, here’s what I came up with…and I’m going to give you two answers that are almost the same.

The first one really addresses my #1 tip for all of business, and that is:

You MUST be unique.

It’s that simple. You could expand on that and say, “You must have a unique selling proposition”, but I wanted to keep it extremely simple.

You can’t be like everyone else. You must be remarkable.

It doesn’t matter if your product works. Listen, I’ve reviewed hundreds of products from business coaching clients, and I think I’ve only told 3 people that their product sucks (although I don’t think I used that exact phrase, but you know what I mean).

It’s very rarely the content that is holding back your business, but it’s almost always the fact that your business is just like everyone else, and therefore you don’t stand out in the market.

Seth Godin’s last book, “Linchpin” (which I think is also his BEST book), covers the need to be unique as well as anything I’ve read. Add that to your reading list.

Now applying that “unique” tip to my #1 internet marketing tip, I’d say that you need to have either:

a) A unique product

b) A unique way of selling your product or other people’s products

For your product, you need a unique marketing angle that makes it different from everything on the market…


You need to have a unique personality that attracts people to your product (i.e. YOU are different from everyone else, although your product may be “the same” as everyone else).


You need to have a unique system for generating traffic to your website.


You need a unique sales process that results in higher conversions and increased upsells compared to everyone else.

Bottom line:

My #1 business/marketing tip is that you have to be different.

But here’s the good news…

You don’t have to re-invent the wheel.

But you do need to have enough of a difference that allows you to stand out and show that you are not the same as everyone else.

Like almost everything I’ve taught you so far, this is going to take some creative work on your part.

So set aside some time and create ways to be different, or simply focus on highlighting the ways you are different.

“Differentiate or Die.” – Jack Trout

How to Make a Good Video for YouTube

First of all, I want to congratulate you for leveraging YouTube videos in your content marketing strategy. It’s a wise choice. The demand for video content keeps growing, and you don’t want to be left out of the game.

43% of people want to see more video content from marketers.” (HubSpot, 2016)

But how are your videos doing?

If you post videos regularly but don’t see any increase in views and engagement, you may not be putting enough thought into your video creation process.

Why Is Video Quality Crucial?

You’re probably tired to hear that quality matters. But I cannot stress enough about how important this is.

You have to increase your YouTube video ranking in order for people to come across your videos and get the chance to enjoy them.

Although it’s true that a video’s quality doesn’t directly influence YouTube video ranking, it still carries a lot of weight.

If the video is bad, no amount of YouTube SEO can make it shine.

Let’s say your video ranks high in search results and people click on it. But the video’s quality is poor and users click back after a couple of seconds.

Besides not getting the chance to turn viewers into customers, this behavior hurts your ranking badly.

How is that?

One of the main YouTube ranking factors is the Audience Retention.

The longer users watch your videos, the higher the ranking. YouTube wants its users to be held on YouTube for as long as possible, so if you keep the audience entertained and on the platform, you’ll be rewarded for it.

As YouTube states in Creators Academy: “Your goal is to keep audience retention as close to 100% as you can (because this means viewers are watching all the way through your videos). And videos with consistently high audience retention and watch time have the potential to show up more frequently in Search and Suggested locations on YouTube.”

I hope that you’re now convinced that you have to put effort into creating engaging content that keeps your audience interest going until the end of the video.

How to create videos that keep the audience watching?

High-quality audio & visuals - The way you deliver your content in terms of audio and video quality plays a huge role in retention. If the sound or image is bad, people won’t stay around long enough to find out what they can learn from you.

Let viewers know what they’ll learn about in the beginning – Around 20% of viewers will fly off after the first 10 second of the video if they are not certain the video is showing them what they are looking for. Make sure to point out what they will learn in the beginning.

Introduction – Like I said above, it’s easy to lose the viewers in the first 10 seconds. You want to make sure your introduction is engaging and captivates viewers’ attention so you make them stay around for the whole content.

Don’t ramble – Especially if you are in the beginning, you’ll be tempted to create those long introductions with unnecessary information that tend to put people to sleep. Keep your introduction on point and get down to the main content.

Script your videos - Don’t just place yourself in front of the camera and start talking. Plan your videos ahead of time and script them. This will ensure you’ll stay on point and cover the most important aspects of the topic without losing your ideas on the way.

Predict audience’s questions – One way to trigger viewers’ curiosity is to address questions they might have to which you’ll be answering later on in the video. Let’s say you make a tutorial on how to be more productive and you mention about the Pomodoro technique at some point. Saying something like “You’re probably wondering what the Pomodoro technique is. I’ll get to it in a minute” will keep the viewers interested to watch the video further.

Final thought

Put enough thought into video creation as it won’t be enough just to have content. You can do as much YouTube SEO as you can for your videos. If the content is bad, your videos won’t rank.

When you have high-quality content and do some SEO video optimization, it’s almost certain you’ll rank YouTube videos on the first page.

Online Shopping and Mother’s Role

Shopping is as old as human civilization. The trade is related to shopping, so in order to see the history of shopping, it is only wise to see how trade has evolved. Trade started in medieval age with barter system and with the passage of time, human innovate new methods of trade and now days, most of the sophisticated methods are used for trade activities.

The trends in shopping have evolved with the means of communication, every mean of communication has been used for shopping and now internet is widely used for shopping and the term used for shopping through internet is online shopping. Internet has opened an all new array for shopping activities and now most of the shopping is done through internet.

A survey at reveals that 60% of mothers search the web for special offers, coupons, or other discounts before they go shopping (no information on how this correlates to male shoppers. This mini report reveals that most of the shopping is done by mothers, and they are mostly looking for discounts. The mothers have major role to play in online shopping.

Internet has opened access to flood of information; the information provided on internet may not be authentic; because it is very easy for anyone to post any information on the internet through blogs and personal websites. To extract the relevant and correct information from the internet is very critical and sometimes difficult. Internet has given rise to cyber crimes and most of them are done through online shopping websites.

Mother’s role is very critical in online shopping, they have to extract the relevant information from the internet about the hot selling products and their prices offered at different stores, sometimes, through fake blogs and spam emails, misinformation is provided which leads to the purchase of substandard product at higher price or leads to credit card frauds.

Before shopping online, getting the right information is very important for mothers. Purchasing right thing at the right time is of key importance, because mostly mothers do shopping for whole family, especially for toddlers and kids. They can be deceived into buying wrong product for their family through fake blogging or misinformation provided by different means through internet. The roles of mothers are to have the full information about the authentic online shopping sites and the original blogs which are operated by real users. Blog is an important source of obtaining the relevant information, but it can be misleading so mothers have to be sharp enough to see which blog is real and which is operated by spammers.

Another important role mothers have to play in online shopping is to buy right products for the children. Every mother adores her child and wants best for it. So the marketing people in internet uses emotional strategies by showing pictures of beautiful babies and blogging about children to convince mothers in buying the desired product. Many mothers get deceived by it and make instant buying decision only to repent when they receive the actual delivery. So mothers have to be extra cautious while buying products for their kids, thorough research about the product including its prices offered by different stores, its specifications and customer reviews are of keen importance and mother should read this information before making a buying decision.

Everything which brought convenience has its drawbacks, online shopping has made shopping very convenient and it also allows the people in saving some money, but at the same time it has limited the choices when it comes to buying things for children, the children are much aware of different products and they force parents in buying certain products. Online shopping has made shopping so easy that now it is difficult to refuse a child in getting the certain product demanded by him/her.

Online shopping has made the availability of some harmful products very easy, and the violent video games and movies can be bought from internet very easily, so the roles of mothers is to prevent their children from buying such things. It can be done by not providing credit card number to the children till they reach the age of 18.

Online shopping trends have increased the mothers’ responsibilities and now mothers have to be more cautious about the online shopping trends to select what is best for their families.

Create A Stress Free Work Environment

Many surveys have been conducted on how stress affects the workplace. Some of the findings paint a pretty dismal picture about how much influence stress has on many aspects of work. For instance, a study in the United Kingdom estimated that up to 80% of industrial accidents could be attributed to stress. It concluded that stress could be costing the community up to $14 billion a year in lost productivity and health related costs. This is a huge amount of money that could be saved if the work environment could be made less stressful. The money saved could be used in far better ways like funding education or improving the health service. This article will discuss what makes a work environment stressful and how to make this environment stress free.In the United Kingdom legislation is now in place whereby employers are obliged to offer stress awareness training to their employees. Even if the employee doesn’t take the training, so long as it has been offered, the companies have fulfilled their legal obligation. The intention is clear, however, that the government recognize how important it is to reduce stress in the workplace.However, it’s not really up to the government or individual businesses when it comes to your stress in the workplace. Ultimately it is your responsibility to take action against stress. Having some formal anti-stress policies should only make it easier for you to take action.The main causes of stress in the work environment include :Increased workloadHigh demandsLong or difficult hoursLack of supportOrganizational changesPoor management communicationPoor work organizationInadequate staff numbers and resourcesLack of recognitionLack of trainingLack of control or inputPersonal and family issuesAll these issues can be grouped into three categories.The first might be termed ‘how you do the job’.The second might be seen as ‘how the job treats you’.And the third relates to issues away from the job that may affect your performance at work.If some of these issues are affecting your work and causing you undue stress then you need to take action. And this revolves around speaking up. Voice your concerns to the management. After all, the better you do your job, the better shape their company will be in. As a responsible manager they should work to reduce your stress levels. After all, that is their job.There are many different ways you could ask for your employers help in reducing your stress, but if you make outrageous claims or demands the chances are you will receive an unfavorable reaction.Here are some guidelines to ensure that you work together with your manager or employer to reduce stress and get the best results.Firstly, make sure you have some solutions to the problems you are facing. Have at least two solutions that benefit both yourself and your employer. If your solutions are biased towards you then a dialog can be started around the finding a solution to the issue.Don’t be confrontational or aggressive when discussing the issues with your employer. Approach the issue in a serious, professional way. You may find that you will be taken more seriously and treated with respect.It is important to remember that you have as much input into your job as anyone else. Ensuring that the work is stress free is beneficial for both you and your employer. Working towards creating a stress free environment is the ultimate goal of both parties.

Exercise, Health and Fitness – The Joint Venture

There are days and there are days! Sure we all feel that way sometimes and experience days when we barely have time to breathe it seems leave alone exercise! On the other hand maybe you just plain hate exercising like I do. What we need to be aware of is that exercise, health and fitness are all connected and a simple 10 minute daily workout combined with right eating is a surefire way of ensuring overall fitness.There are a few really basic exercises that you can do on a daily basis, which are listed below. Just think of the exercise routine as something that has to be done each day like brushing your teeth or having a shower and get it over with, it will soon become habit forming.o Hip thrust: give your hams, calves, glutes and lower back a workout. Lie flat on your back with knees bent, feet and head on the floor. Thrust out your hips in the direction of the ceiling until you are in line with your shoulders, hips and knees; then go back to start position. 25-50 reps are good to start with and you can slowly build up to 100.o Squat press: give your gluts, quads and upper body a workout. Depending on your fitness level hold a pair of dumbbells in your hands at shoulder position. Squat keeping hips back and weight on heels; now drive upward with the power from your legs pressing the dumbbells straight up. Lower your arms.o Push ups: give your shoulders, chest and triceps a workout. Place feet and palms on floor in a downward facing spread out pose; drop into the push up position, roll into the upward facing pose and then reverse. Return to start and repeat.Doing these exercises should not take more than 10 minutes and will limber you up for the day.Exercise, health and fitness are a sort of joint venture; now that you have some quick tune up exercises to do we can take a look at health and fitness to complete the triangle. Good health and fitness comes from the right kind of diet and lifestyle. If you drink too much alcohol and smoke like a chimney no amount of right eating is going to keep you in good health.Did you know that an excellent method of ensuring good health is to keep a pet? Pets have been found to be natural mood enhancers; lower blood pressure; reduce stress and tension; lower risk of heart attack and fight depression among other benefits.Another way to improve and maintain good health is through aerobic exercise. Research has linked aerobic exercise to various health and fitness benefits such as cancer prevention, osteoporosis, diabetes, depression, obesity and weight loss. Swimming, riding, water aerobics, walking, hiking, dancing and similar activities are all examples of aerobic exercise; you can choose anything that you enjoy doing or is easiest for you to do. The main thing is to take up some form of exercise to enjoy the benefits of good health and fitness.

Custom Entertainment Centers

Entertainment centers play an important role in the overall décor of a home. They are available in all kinds of designs, colors and styles to match the theme and other furniture in a home. Today, many people prefer to have their entertainment centers customized to suit their distinctive needs.To buy a custom-made entertainment center, a person should begin by contacting a few furniture showrooms in the city. Many cabinet showrooms employ design professionals who can customize entertainment centers. These designers can design a piece that maximizes the available space. Most furniture designers possess the expertise to ensure that no matter what space size, the entertainment center will fit and function well.To extract the fullest advantage, it is important that customers share their ideas preferably with photographs or an advertisement of the entertainment center concept that appeals to them. Designers generally provide site photographs of the entertainment centers made earlier as a reference point.A buyer can select the type of wood and paint they desire and provide the designer with details of the equipments they want to store in the unit. It is usually recommended that an entertainment center’s TV cabinet have foldaway pocket doors. These doors open and fold back along the inside of the cabinet. For remote control equipment, glass doors are most suitable. Proper ventilation is necessary to keep the equipment from overheating. Open shelf spaces can be included to display books and other decorative items.It is important to double-check measurements and advisable to get the cabinet designer or a professional installer to take the measurements. Also, the cabinets must be designed in a way to facilitate replacement of equipment with newer models if desired. It is always advisable to work with professional designers who can blend their expertise with the customer’s requirements and ideas to create a custom-made entertainment center.

Life Insurance Basics

Not that many people know how important life insurance is. This may be due to the fact that not that many people know what life insurance really is all about and what it is for. While it is not really that imperative that a person know everything there is to know about insurance, it is still important that you know a little bit about what it is and why you should get yourself insured.What Is Life Insurance?What exactly is life insurance? When you say life insurance, you are essentially talking about getting yourself a policy that gets your loved ones some money in the event of your passing. This means that when you die, your family and whoever else is your beneficiary will get a certain amount of money. How a person gets himself insured and how his beneficiary gets the money that a policy promises him is dependent on the policy itself. You get yourself insured with a company called an insurance company and you pay for the life insurance you get in a few possible ways. There are also a few different kinds of insurance policies that you can consider for your needs and each kind has its pros and cons.What Are the Different Kinds of Life Insurance?Some people think that it is simply one kind of insurance but in actuality, there are quite a few different kinds that you can choose from. Here are the two major types that most insurance companies will offer you in the U.S.:- Term Life Insurance. This kind of insurance is considered the more inexpensive of the two major types of life insurance. This kind of an insurance policy can be had in different terms or levels that run for 10, 20, or 30 years. This kind of a policy gets the policy owner to pay a premium for the level term that he chooses and this premium or yearly payment remains the same over the entire period that the policy is running. The policy owner is not expected to pay more every year as the policy runs and premium payments stop after the term is over.- Whole Life Insurance. Also called permanent life insurance, this kind of a policy comes in a few variants as well. These variants offer policy holders many different pros and cons. These whole life insurance choices a person has include:a. Traditional Whole Life
b. Variable Whole Life
c. Universal Whole Life
d. Variable Universal Whole LifeThese many different kinds of whole or permanent life insurance are actually a savings and insurance policy in one. This is considered a more expensive kind of life insurance to have, and payments continue until the later part of your life. Whole life accumulates cash however in the whole period of time that you are paying for it, giving your beneficiaries a possibly bigger amount of money when you pass away.What Policy to ChooseWhen you are confused as to what kind of life insurance policy you should get, you should first consider which of the two main types of insurance policies you want and why they might be good for you and for your family. Here are some of the pros and cons of both policies in general:- Term Life Insurance. When you think about taking out a term life insurance, you might consider the fact that there is an end to the payments you make on this kind of an insurance policy when you reach the end of the term. This means that when you get to the tenth, twentieth or thirtieth year of your policy, your payments end and you simply have the set amount sitting there for your family to claim when you pass away. The downside to this is the amount that they will get will remain as is and won’t increase over the years.- Whole Life Insurance. Whole life insurance payments continue while the policy holder is alive. The amount that is in this policy however increases over time and in time, this kind of a policy can even be used as collateral for a loan.

Upgrade Your Business Through a Secured Business Loan

If you are anything like me, and I’m pretty sure you are, then you are very proud of your business. It’s almost like your baby. Although business isn’t finance science, it is obvious that not everyone is able to take an idea, implement it and make it profitable. It is not easy, but if it is done with passion and dedication, everything is possible.You’ve been in activity for sometime now,analyzing, calculating, planning, and one day you feel that it’s time to take it to the next level -expand your business.Keeping an affair in motion requires constant financing. So where to look when you need extra money for further development? External help might come your way in the form of a secured business loan. This will give you an immediate infusion of funds designated for specific purposes: fixed asset purchase, working capital, business expansion or business acquisition.Whenever talking about business, you will hear about things like planning, capital, terms, contracts, amortization, profit. Profit must be, without a doubt the most interesting. Banking is also a business. The bank’s purpose is to give out loans for profit, but not to just about anybody, because the will want to recuperate their cash. Which brings us to secured loans. A secured business loan is a loan which you will back up with some collateral in order to guarantee to the lender that, in the unfortunate case you default on the payment, the lender will recuperate his original investment. Business loan can be secured through a general lien on business, the specific asset that you’re financing, or by some property of yours. Suitable assets may include equipment, inventory, real-estate even intellectual property or trademarks. It is best to make a list and then evaluate them in order to back-up the loan.Secured business loan can be of the following types:- Equipment loan
- Vehicle loan
- Real-estate loan
- Cash secured loan
- Agriculture loanGetting a business secured loan shouldn’t be a very tough job if you do your homework right. You will have to know exactly how much money you want, why you want it and exactly how are you going to repay. You must convince the lender that you are very well planned, and your business and financial needs hold no secrets to you. In order to back-up all this statements you’ll have to prepare same detailed papers about your business and repayment plan.Your ability to refund, your personal credit history, business plan, experience, education and feasibility of your business will be determinant in getting your application accepted. Security agreements on a secured business loan will include the description and the identification of the security. They will also include the right of the lender to inspect the security.Getting the money is very important, but let’s not forget that they will have to be paid back. First decide on the type of rates: fixed or variables. Fixed rates provide the security of knowing how much will you pay every month. A variable rate might give you a breath of fresh air, by paying lower rates at start, before your investment starts growing wings, and bigger rates later, after wheels are in motion and profit starts coming in. This decision will depend on your tolerance for risk. Don’t forget to negotiate over interest rates. Since the lender is covered in case of default, you have every reason to aim for low rates. If needed you can have several lenders compete for your business and offer you their best quotes. Online lenders can be a viable option. They can be easy to reach,and easy to compare.A secured business loan is a financial tool that can bring your success, by taking away your concern for cash flow and helping you to concentrate on your activity for better production and profitability.